One of the longest-running and most successful fund-raising programs here at Trinity is our Gift Card Program. This program provides a one-stop source for your shopping and gift needs. In addition to the cards from major brands and chains available through RaiseRight (formally Gl Scrip), local Giant Foods, Redner's Market, Walmart and Weis Market cards are available for your grocery shopping needs.
It's simple - Members and friends purchase gift cards for everyday purchases (grocery stores, drug stores, restaurant and retail chains) or for special purchases like hotels, airlines, or birthday, wedding or holiday gifts. The church retains a percentage of the purchase price, which supplements our income to cover general fund expenses. There is no additional cost to the person who buys the card – the contribution is made by the retailer. Since 2013 we have raised over $40,000 for our general fund.
Orders are taken the first Sunday of each month and cards are available for pick-up the second Sunday of the month. Attached on the right is a link to the order form for the RaiseRight cards showing the cards most commonly purchased by Trinity members. A full listing of the cards available can be found on the RaiseRight website. Just click on this link:
If a store or retailer you want is not included on Trinity’s list, write it on the last page of your order form. Additional printed copies of the RaiseRight and grocery store order forms are available in the Narthex and on the first Sunday of the month.
RaiseRight/Walmart/Weis Market – Sharon Kemp
Giant – Kathy Kuser
Redners – Kurt Yescavage
If you have any questions see the coordinators any Sunday morning or leave a message in the church office.
As always, thank you for your support!
Trinity Gift Card Program Update
Order forms for Redners, Giant, and RaiseRight will be available at church, and the RaiseRight order form is also found on Trinity’s website.
Please note :
Weis Markets cards ($25, $100) can be ordered through RaiseRight for those who physically shop at the store. Weis cards cannot be used for online orders.
Payment must be submitted with your order; checks should be made out to Trinity Lutheran Church. Be sure to include your phone number on your order form.
Thank you for your support of this important program here at Trinity.
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
1749 South Main Street
Bechtelsville, PA 19505
Phone: 610-369-1281
Office Hours -
Monday thru Friday
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
or by appointment.
Mission Statement
We shall, as individuals and as a congregation, strive through word, worship, and witness to further the kingdom of God by knowing and sharing Christ's Love in our hearts, in our homes, in His church, in the community, and in the world.
Order forms can be downloaded here.
Thank you for your support of our ministry at Trinity. Please consider making a financial contribution to the life and mission of our congregation.
A pair of pajamas is safe and
comfortable, like being at home!
Our Mission is to provide
pajamas to children in need.
Trinity's PJ Project Box
is in our narthex.