Save time, simplify your life, and support your church! We’re keeping up with the times by offering our parishioners another way to help our ministry. Our Electronic Giving Program called
Simply Giving is an automated program that will allow you to make contributions without having to lift a pen to write a check or reach into your wallet for cash! And, this method of giving also saves
our “counting team” time and trouble every week to open envelopes
Here is how it works:
You authorize a specified amount of money to be electronically transferred directly from your checking or savings account to the Church account. You also specify the frequency of the transfer.
It is fast, safe and easy! In fact, it is less risky than checks, as it cannot be lost or stolen, or destroyed. The electronic transfer will cost you NOTHING and you save the cost of the
check. The Church will issue you a donation statement for your tax records, and your bank statements will provide you with a record of transfer as additional proof of your contributions. Donations
via electronic transfer can be made to our General Fund, Benevolence, and/or World Hunger and/or Building Maintenance.
Many members/families of Trinity are currently using Simply Giving.
You can change your amount or frequency with two weeks notice. And, of course, you can cancel your authorization of transfer at any time by notifying the church office. But we believe that once you
have enjoyed the convenience and savings of this new program, you won’t want to go back to the old way of contributing to our church!
If you have any interest, or questions, or wish to try this program on a trial basis, call the church office, see Pastor Zaiser or call Kurt Yescavage at 484-987-4668.
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
1749 South Main Street
Bechtelsville, PA 19505
Phone: 610-369-1281
Office Hours -
Monday thru Friday
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
or by appointment.
Mission Statement
We shall, as individuals and as a congregation, strive through word, worship, and witness to further the kingdom of God by knowing and sharing Christ's Love in our hearts, in our homes, in His church, in the community, and in the world.
Order forms can be downloaded here.
Thank you for your support of our ministry at Trinity. Please consider making a financial contribution to the life and mission of our congregation.
A pair of pajamas is safe and
comfortable, like being at home!
Our Mission is to provide
pajamas to children in need.
Trinity's PJ Project Box
is in our narthex.