Trinity’s Talent Show and Cook-off was held February 19, 2023. As always, Maddy Wyda did an outstanding job as MC and resident comedian. There were a number of individual guitar
performances by Pastor Gene, Angie Renninger, and Dave Smith (accompanied by Karen on tambourine), two instrumentals from “Phantom of the Opera” (Erika Zaiser on clarinet and Jenn
MacDonald and LaRue Sheetz on piano), a Disney song by Trinity’s Bell Choir, a trumpet performance by Kurt Yescavage, and a special musical performance by the Mutter Girls.
Congratulations to the first-place winner of the cook-off, Diane McElwee, for her ambrosia salad, second-place winner, Erika Zaiser, for her baked ziti, and third-place winner, Anna
Spencer, for cabbage and noodles.
Thank you to all the performers and chefs for a great afternoon!
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
1749 South Main Street
Bechtelsville, PA 19505
Phone: 610-369-1281
Office Hours -
Monday thru Friday
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
or by appointment.
Mission Statement
We shall, as individuals and as a congregation, strive through word, worship, and witness to further the kingdom of God by knowing and sharing Christ's Love in our hearts, in our homes, in His church, in the community, and in the world.
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A pair of pajamas is safe and
comfortable, like being at home!
Our Mission is to provide
pajamas to children in need.
Trinity's PJ Project Box
is in our narthex.